CherylYes, I’ve been in Ladbroke Grove from 1970 I moved into this area ... and I moved to Peplar House which I’m living now, November '75. It’s a nice quiet block I’ve been living in, and I’ve been fortunate to have good neighbours. What I used to like, like if anyone in the block died you’ll get someone come and knock and say 'Oh do you know so and so died', and they collect money, you can put in 50p,10p, £5 and they’ll buy a wreath and say this is from Peplar House ...
The other place I like is we have a little plot, a gardening plot that we have, there’s 20 plots. I sort of over see it, try and encourage people to plant fruit and veg. We’ve got some lovely fruit trees that was donated from the council. I’m about to go and pull my lettuce up this afternoon, so they’ll be ready to eat and I’ve got some sugar snap peas and ordinary peas and there’s some cabbage there, still growing.
What we get as well is a lot of people outside the area passing by and they’ll ask us what’s going on so and so and they say can we come in and we just welcome them in ... it’s like we had something for the Royal wedding erm last year, we got a TV in Portobello Hall and we bought snacks and things, and we had people passing by came and sit there watched the Royal wedding and we feed them and yes, it’s you know things like that, you do for the community which is very good.
You get designer shops, these only really in the last few years ... because the tourists and the trade and you notice some of them people overcharge you on the stall personally ... they were selling these quilts like 100 and odd quid, you know? I don’t mind paying 100 quid but never on, not on a quilt cover, you know?
Changes? Nobody likes changes. We was all in uproar when we heard that they were going to knock it down. My block which is fortunate for me is in phase 3 and I love my little flat so I’m hoping they’ll run out of money by the time they get to me, but I know that’s not going to happen.